Choose an icon below to learn more about each classroom’s unique curriculum
ճ鶹ƵAVuniquely designed curriculum,Framework For Their Future®provides a developmentally appropriate program that is challenging, stimulating and meets the needs of infants through school-age children. Interesting themes, combined with learning objectives, help our teachers plan learning experiences in art, music, language, fine and gross motor, emergent math and literacy, movement and drama. Our curriculum has a strong literature component. We believe that children become readers by being read to and that children become writers by having many opportunities to express their thoughts and feelings through print. Visit our classrooms and you will see charts, posters, sentence strips, writing centers, and the children’s own language displayed to support our goal of a print-rich environment. Books, teacher-made and child-created, are available throughoutLegacyclassrooms.
Framework For Their Future®is also based on the premise that children acquire more knowledge by actively exploring materials and enrichments put in place by the adults who facilitate children’s learning. Manipulatives, puzzles, games and art materials stimulate “hands-on” learning and concrete learning experiences. We also know that children do not learn skills in isolation. Shapes, colors, numbers, letters and phonemic awareness are woven throughout the day, every day, to give children a strong readiness foundation. When we learn colors, we learn fuchsia and vermillion-children love different and interesting words. When we learn shapes, we go past the circle and square and look for octagons, hexagons and pentagons within the school environment. We are always looking for fun and interesting ways to stimulate children’s learning.
At鶹ƵAVwe feel we can make a difference in the lives of children and their teachers, and that we are responsible for the “whole” child. Our curriculum includes experiences with real works of art and classical music. We encourage our children to learn about Renoir and Picasso, and to hear and move to the works of the Great musical masters. Among those masters, we make sure that Mother Goose has a special place. The imagery, language, and the rhythm and rhyme of nursery rhymes are perfect reading readiness skill builders. ACharacter Buildingfocus rounds out each monthly plan. Our children are never too young to learn about honesty, patience, or friendship.
Brain Poweractivities incorporated within the daily routine help all our children, especially infants, make those brain building connections.Activities that ChallengeandActivities that Strengthenare designed to individualize our program so that all our children can grow and develop at their own unique learning rates.
We use an outcome-based learning assessment as our evaluation tool. Within a week of meeting your child, we are assessing skills in the areas of language, social-emotional development, and physical and cognitive development. This allows staff to plan for experiences that will help children develop and grow in their own unique learning timelines. From Infant to School-Ager, each child has an individual portfolio for work samples, progress notes, and developmental assessments that follow the child throughout his or her time atLegacy. The portfolio provides information about each child’s strengths and challenges and allows the teacher to individualize each child’s care and education.
Conferences are scheduled twice during the year, but our teachers are always available to share their knowledge and observations with you.
Partnership With Families
At鶹ƵAVwe know that it takes families, teachers, and our management teams working together to provide quality care and education for the little Legacies who come through our front door. We value your input, your support, and your confidence in us. We encourage you to partner with us in a variety of ways.
- Arrivals and Departures – Use this time to share important facts about your child’s health, temperament, and/or emotional needs. This allows the teachers to provide optimum care and nurturing.
- Visits – Share a talent or family tradition with the class. This will help you carry onLegacyLearning.
- Become Involved – Read our lesson plans, Parent Newsletter, and attendLegacyspecial events.
Our Teachers
Using a wonderful blend of experience, enthusiasm, knowledge, training, and skill,Legacyteachers create the perfect nurturing and safe environment for infants and young children. Their commitment to quality care reassures families each day that children are special at鶹ƵAV. On-going training, educational conferences, workshops, and videos keep our teachers up-to-date with current research and educational requirements. We encourage and support all staff to reach for the stars in their educational and personal goals.
Framework For Their Future® Enhanced Learning© Curriculum
At 鶹ƵAV, we take pride in providing the finest educational opportunities for our students; and like our students, we are always on a path of continuous improvement. With that in mind, we expanded ourFramework For Their Future®curriculum with an additionalEnhanced Learning©curriculum.
ճEnhanced Learning©curriculum is an “add on” to our copyrightedFramework For Their Future®curriculum and enhances learning inMath, Science, and Social Studiesfor each age group. Every lesson is specifically designed to meet all developmental levels and address several learning styles. Music and Literature enrichment play a key role in the curriculum as well as hands-on learning.
ճEnhanced Learning©curriculum ensures that whether your child is 4 months old or 4 years old, they will be receiving quality instruction in a learning-focused environment.
What do our students learn at Legacy?
Each鶹ƵAVclassroom environment fosters growth and development for all ages through enriched learning centers
Dramatic Play
- Creative Expression
- Communication Skills
- Imagination
- Social Role Play
- Teamwork
- Constructive Play
- Cooperation
- Eye-hand Coordination
- Spatial Relationships
- Cause and Effect
- Use of Senses
- Observation
- Exploration
- Discovery
- Environmental Awareness
Language and Literacy
- Letter-sound Recognition
- Phonemic Awareness
- Print Awareness
- Reading and Writing
- Storytelling
- Fine Motor Skills
- Sorting
- Classification
- Seriation
- Puzzle Skills
- Use of Senses
- Manipulation of Materials
- Cooperation
- Problem Solving
- Cause and Effect
Art / Creative Expression / Movement
- Creativity
- Music, Song, and Dance
- Fine and Gross Motor Skills
- Following Directions
- Coordination
- Counting
- Sorting and Classifying
- One-to-One Correspondence
- Patterning
- Measurement
Social Studies
- Cultural Awareness
- People, Places, Environments
- Classroom Community
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Similarities and Differences